Wednesday, August 21, 2013

If You Don't Love Yourself, How Can You Love Others?!

So here it is my friends, the truth about life and love. Some of us seem to have it all, yet the rest of us struggle throughout our whole lives. Is there some kind of secret that these "successful" people have that we do not know of?! For the most part the answer is yes! What is this secret you ask. The secret is to love ourselves first, because without that first love, we can never truly love anyone else.

Everyone has struggles and trials and tests of personal strength. The difference is that if we love ourselves, we look out for ourselves and demand the same respect from anyone who wants to be a part of our lives. We never allow anyone to disrespect us because we would never disrespect our self. This is the key!

Does it matter how much money we make? We set our own standards! If we are happy with a low income, then so be it. As long as we don't live off of others', then we can choose to be as monetarily rich as makes us happy. If you make a million dollar salary a year and it makes you happy and you love yourself, then you have found the secret.

Now here's the other side. If we make a million dollars a year but put up a front of happiness that isn't truly there, you still have a ways to go. Sure, some say you can fake it until you make it, and in all honesty I believe if you keep a positive attitude and keep working toward your dreams, yes, some of us fake it and then make it; but the bottom line still stares you in the metaphorical face! Love yourself before you can love or be truly loved! Take care of yourself before you can truly be taken care of or take care of someone else; and above all, hold on to your dreams, because without your dreams, there's nowhere else to go.

You are you and you are what you have for the rest of your life; so get to know yourself, take a journey, go out on a limb, and take a chance because this is your life and you can never contribute a positive light, if you have shadows hanging over you. Free yourself, believe in yourself, and above all, love yourself; because you're the one you spend the most time with, so you might as well live, laugh, and love, especially with yourself.